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Les Mémoires
Ike Okoro Husband November 24, 2019

Chidinma, my darling beautiful wife. It’s eight years today that you answered your call from our God to come home. Your spirit lives on and you will never be forgotten. Your beautiful spirit will live on through your children, Chidube, Chetachi and Chidike. They will always know how much you loved them.
Always in our minds Chidube, Chetachi, Chidike and Ike.

Ike Okoro Always in our Minds November 23, 2018
My dear Chidinma, It's anther year gone without you. Have you seen my Mother she came to join you this past May, hope you guys are even closer than you were while both of you were with us. It's been seven years today since you left us, me, the kids, family and friends. Just wanted to let you know that I have taking your instructions and will act on it soon. We still remember you in our daily prayers and hope you do the same for us. The kids and I are all doing well we are trying to move on, you are not forgotten. We move on because we have to, not because we want to.

Always in our minds
Ike, Chidube, Chetachi and Chidike Okoro 
Ike Okoro Six Years Today November 23, 2017

Chidinma my love, my heart is full of memories, with pride I speak your name though life goes on without you, it will never be the same. I miss having you to talk to. As I'm sitting here writing this, it's hard not to shed tears, I still grieve, but so does the Kids. I try not to think about you too often, because when I do, I miss you even more. Its six years today since you had to leave us. But it hasn't gotten easier for me. It sucks that you have missed so many milestones in all of our lives -- birthdays, driver licenses, high school graduations  and acceptance letters, just to mention a few. But I want you to know that we always know when you try to make your presence obvious. We know when you're with us; when you try to help guide us down the right path, and when you just want to say hello.

Always know that there isn't a moment that you are not missed. You were more than loved by every single one of us and we were all grateful to have had the time with you that we got. The world sometimes seems a little bit darker with you gone, but I know you'll always be shining down on us in our time of need. You lived much of your life with me in it, and I don't like that I have to live much of my life without you in mine. Living without you has been a big adjustment.Thank you for being such a big part of my life,for being an example to me. Even after you left this earth, I have learned so much from you. I appreciate every little thing you have ever done for me. You will always be loved and you will always be missed.

We hope that you send us more signs that you are still watching over us, anything helps. We have not heard from you for some time now, your messages is very reassuring and calming, it gives us hope. I promise to carry out most of your messages, because I love you dearly.

Thank you for helping me. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for teaching me. And thank you for being such a huge factor in my life. I will never forget you, Chidinma. As Irving Berlin would say, “The song is ended but the melody lingers on…”

Dr. Njwen Anyangwe Five Years Gone November 24, 2016
Dearest Chidi:
Five years yesterday since your demise, but I continue to hang on to sweet memories of you as a dear friend. 
Continue to rest in peace my dear friend.
Love you, Njwen. 
Ike Okoro Five Years Today November 23, 2016

Chidi, it is exactly five years today that the Lord called you home, that faithful Wednesday before thanksgiving 2011, for us, your immediate family it seems like yesterday. We still remember you in our daily prayers and hope that one day we will meet to part no more. Your presence and memories are still very strong in this household. We remember your great strength and inner beauty. We remember you as a woman, who brought great warmth in our life’s, helped us believe in ourselves. A woman who patiently sat down quietly and listened to everything we had to share and always made perfect sense of what we thought was senseless at times. We remember you as a woman who could win the world with your beautiful smile.

You filled our lives with such joy and happiness. You made us realize what real love is, instilled a desire to pursue God and brought out the best in us in every way. You can imagine what our lives have become without you. It has not been easy.

We love you, and terribly miss you. Rest in peace my Love.

Ike, Chidube, Chetachi and Chidike.

Les Mémoires Totales: 25
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