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Fr. Hyi Ibeh Fare well message to Chidi December 16, 2011

Chidi, two weeks before you embarked on the journey to eternity, you called and asked whether I shall be home for our family reunion scheduled for December 2011. I told you I was not really sure as a result of circumstances beyond my control. I was to understand your question only after you passed on and your burial was to take the place of the proposed family reunion on the 28th Dec. 2011.

Chidi, Our first meeting was during my ordination on the 13th of July 1991 when you accompanied Chidi Ntam with her two other friends all the way from the University of Port Harcourt to be part of the ceremony! It was an opportunity for friends and relations to see you. Your gentle nature, physical and spiritual beauty endeared you to the hearts of all the members of our family both young and old. Thus, your jouney with Ik started in earnest; having won his approval and that of the members of the family. This jouney was ratified in wedlock on the 23rd of December, 1994 and later on blessed with Dube, Cheta and Chidike.

Chidi, you were extra-ordinary as a lover of peace in the family circles as well as among your friends and well-wishers! You have a wonderful God given gift which enables you to diffuse tension when the atmosphere is charged! You know how to stem the tide when the current is high! Your faith and trust in God was never shaken; not even by the monstrous sickness - cancer! You are all round beauty! Where shall I begin and where shall I end! You were solace to others even in the midst of your pains and sufferings! From the beginning to the end, your love of God and neighbour kept you going till your last breath.

Chidi, I called on the night of 22nd of Nov. 2011 to see how you were doing! Your loving husband and members of the family were all there with you keeping vigil. Your physical strength had failed and your eyes dim as you could no longer speak, though you were full of spiritual energy! A family member placed the phone on your ear and I spoke the gentle words of farewell to you! I requested Our blessed Mother Mary to wait for you in the company of the Holy Angels so as to assure your smooth passage through her Divine Son to God our Father.

Chidi, on the 23rd of Nov 2011, it was announced you lost the long battle with cancer! No! I assure you and I assure everybody you did not lose the battle! You won! Yes, you won because you now live to die no more! I know you are safely home in paradise where there are no more pains, no more sickness and no more sorrows! You are safely home where neither cancer nor death has power over you! You always belonged to church choir here on earth! Now you have joined the havenly choir where your fellow singers are the victorious Saints and Angels! I pray you Chidi to obtain favours from God now you are closer to Him for your beloved Husband Ik, your kids - Dube, Cheta, Chidike; all the members of our family, your friends and well wishers! Chidi, rest in perfect peace till we meet again to part no more! Fare well!

Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Ibeh.
Njwen Anyangwe-Ngute Chidinma, THANK YOU FOR BEING A WONDERFUL FRIEND December 15, 2011
My dearest Chidinma,
I have finally gotten myself together to share my memories of our friendship on this website.  Since the creation of this website, a day has not gone by without me visiting this website and viewing these gorgeous pictures of you. It hurts so bad and I cry, but I know you are resting in peace, free from any pain. 
You were quite an amazing friend, one of the kindest and wisest friends I ever had.
You were extremely selfless. 
You always had a word of advice that will bring a smile to my face.
Thank you for being there for me.
As I reflect on our friendship that began in 1992 when we lived at Abuja campus in the University of Port Harcourt, I will be forever grateful to God for putting us together. Being a foreign student, you made my days in the graduate school and my stay in Nigeria a pleasant one. I remember you taking me to visit your friends and family and we attended a number of occasions together. You cooked and shared with me. Although we were in different disciplines, we bonded so much.
I remember you couldn't stop talking about your sweetheart Ike. I missed your wedding even though we had spent so much time talking about it and planning it. This was because it was just a few days to Christmas, and I had to go to Cameroon.
I am also thankful to Dr. Adanze Aguwa, your cousin, whom I was talking to in 2006 about a very close Nigerian friend of mine whom I have been searching for since I migrated to the USA from Cameroon in 1999. I told her she is called Chidinma, who got married to Ike Okoro and relocated to the USA way back in the mid 90s. I was pleasantly surprised when she exclaimed that you were her cousin. That was incredible! Immediately, she called you and that is how we reconnected. To mere mortals like us, that was a serendipitous finding, but as I look back now, I believe God made this reunion possible for a good reason. 
I am thankful for the 5 years we have stayed connected since that 2006 when we got reunited after our UNIPORT days. Even in your ill-health, you always returned calls I made to check up on you and offered me advice when needed. Even when I felt daunted, you always said "Njwen, it is well". When you did visit Maryland, you ensured that we see each other. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am also thankful that I got to meet your sweetheart Ike when I visited you in May 2008. That visit made me realize what a close-knit family you were and it became evident to me why you always talked about Ike during our graduate school days. Yes, your relationship was one made in heaven. I am grateful that not only did I meet your Ike, but I also met your very lovely offspring- Chidube, Chetachi and Chidike. 
I promise to be here for your family and to continue to participate in all efforts towards reducing the burden of this monstrous disease called cancer. I volunteer for American Cancer Society to support this noble cause and God willing, I will walk for you, my dearest Chidi, every October, which is breast cancer awareness month.
My sister / friend, you are sorely missed!
Goodbye for Now and Rest in Peace!
I love you!
Your friend, Njwen (As I write this, I can hear you pronounce my name as you usually did-  n-jwen).
Chidinma Njoku-Okoro Farewell my best friend & sister-in-law. December 9, 2011
Chidy, words cannot explian my memories of you, it is still very hard for me to accept your departure, you were my confidant your ideas were so different & perfect, you gave diffferent ideas to different things. i always felt satisfied each time i spoke to you about my concerns right from UNIPORT where we met till AUGUST 14TH 2011 when i sat with you till 2am talking about our affairs. You lived your life like you knew will go soon your sickness being your preparatory state to go to God.

Chidy you are unbeatable, and can never be forgotten in my heart, thank God for having the opportunity to share in your short & fulfilled life i will never get a second you nor will i do away with the good things i learnt from you. I'm consoled that you are face to face with God now, being a guardian Angel to your husband, your kids & to all of us your death is hurting so bad. Rest in the Lord until we meet to part no more. BYE & BYE MY OWN PERSONAL PERSON.

Patrick Okwandu The one you Called "The Chief" December 9, 2011
Chidi, The lessons you thought me through your life and illness shall live with me forever. You redefined the word "Grace" by the way you handled your joys and  pains. You reassured me at all times that, " it was well with your soul". Now that you're gone, I know  you're seated peacefully in the alarms of our Almighty Father. "Rest in Peace" my beloved. See you in the morning, with all the angeles and faithful departed.

Patrick Okwandu
Doris Nwuda Rest in peace my sister December 8, 2011
 May our blessed Lady Mary continue to guide and lead you to God. Your memories will last forever in my mind.  You are irreplaceble and cannot be duplicated. You  have taught me so many things that I will  never give up.  One day we shall meet to part no more. May his will be done. Farewell my dear sister (Executive Mama).  
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